Saturday 10 December 2011

New Blog

Hi everyone..

well the time has come. I have stepped up and made the effort to get myself a brand new blog. It's the same me, the same photos, same jibberish - just different site, much easier to navigate and much easier to read.

Please make your way over to my gorgeous new blog:

be sure to introduce yourself, leave a couple of comments and take your time to browse around.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Ange xx

Saturday 3 December 2011

The Holland Family (Orange)

This stunning family wanted some portraits done for christmas.. I had recently found a delicious new location in Orange I was itching to try out and these guys were the perfect family! I didn't hear one single complaint from any of the girls (ok maybe just one when I made you guys get in the boat... hehe) as I made them traipse around through the scrub and bushes!

Mel, all of your girls are just beautiful. They have grown into these smart, confident women, You should be so so proud of them!!

Jamie (Canowindra)

Meet Jamie. That is all you have to do, just meet him. You will fall instantly in love, I promise.

Canowindra is quickly becoming one of my favourite spots to photograph, without a doubt.

He is just SO adored by his parents, Becky and Dan, and they are enjoying parenthood so much. The way they look at him and each other is just simple and perfect. Simply in love with their own little family.

Thankyou for letting me get to know you guys through the afternoon, I had an absolute ball.